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“Yes, and Thank You:” Improv in the Nonprofit Sector

This blog was originally posted via InspireDenver, a publication of the Young Nonprofit Professional Network – Denver. In the nonprofit sector, we take our work very seriously. There are lives at stake. Social injustices to right. Children to feed. But for a moment, let’s take a deep breath. And improvise. The maxims of improvisation are […]

By Meredith BadlerRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


Hello revolution. I knew you’d call.

The Chronicle of Philanthropy recently shared 5 trends that will change the way nonprofits work in 2013.  Their list nicely illustrates Corona’s own list of macro disrupters and sector transformers.  As the Chronicle reports, more and more people are engaging with their nonprofits through mobile devices and crowd-sourced funding opportunities, as well as aligning their […]

By Karla RainesRead More

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State of Our Cities and Towns 2013

Every day, we utilize crucial services from our local government.  Towns and city’s provide clean water, build and maintain our sidewalks, and spearhead economic development in our communities. We were honored to work with the Colorado Municipal League’s (CML) for the fourth year on their annual report (pdf), State of Our Cities and Towns for Colorado. Not everyone absorbs information by reading graphs and […]

By Kassidy BensonRead More

Corona Insights employee Kevin Raines


Market re-church

If you think you don’t need market research because you have faithful customers, think again.  Even those organizations with the most faithful customers are doing research. This small Missouri company sends “mystery shoppers” into churches.  Dress up on Sunday morning, go sit in church for a few hours, and then fill out a survey about […]

By Kevin RainesRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


Hold for the revolution

Reinventing the Nonprofit Sector – A Corona POV Series In this blog series, we presented 4 sector transformers and macro disruptors that have been shaping the nonprofit sector in recent years. Each of these examples is evolutionary in the near-term – and will be revolutionary over time.  I remain convinced that now is the most dynamic […]

By Karla RainesRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


#4 Nonprofit Sector Transformer and Macro Disruptor

Reinventing the Nonprofit Sector – A Corona POV Series At #4 on the list of nonprofit sector transformers and macro disrupters is: Shifting donor expectations   One of the most significant stakeholder groups within the nonprofit sector, donors, have been shifting their modes and expectations for engagement. Some donors are happy to text $10 to […]

By Karla RainesRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


#3 Nonprofit Sector Transformer and Macro Disruptor

Reinventing the Nonprofit Sector – A Corona POV Series The third nonprofit sector transformer and macro disrupter in our series is: Use of social enterprise practices Amidst persistent financial pressures, political uncertainties and unmet community needs, more nonprofits are pursuing earned income or social enterprise strategies as means of bolstering their economic engines or redefining […]

By Karla RainesRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


#2 Nonprofit Sector Transformer and Macro Disruptor

Reinventing the Nonprofit Sector – A Corona POV Series The second internal transformer and macro disrupter we’re seeing in the nonprofit sector is: the rise of the social entrepreneur. In 2004, I began speaking about the blurring of the lines between the nonprofit and for-profit sectors.  What was once a well-defined marker is now a […]

By Karla RainesRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


#1 Nonprofit Sector Transformer and Macro Disruptor

Reinventing the Nonprofit Sector – A Corona POV Series   A look back over the past 15 years shows how the nonprofit sector has been reinventing itself.  I’ve coined the term sector transformer to refer to the dynamics at play within the nonprofit arena.  Macro disruptors have also been reshaping the sector from the outside.  Each of […]

By Karla RainesRead More

Corona Insights employee Karla Raines


A Shifting Nonprofit Sector

Reinventing the Nonprofit Sector – A Corona POV Series I’ve been working in and with the nonprofit sector for almost 20 years now. Over that time I’ve observed significant changes. The visual below highlights the subtle yet significant shifts over the past 15 years.   Over the years I’ve witnessed first-hand how nonprofits approach their strategic work – […]

By Karla RainesRead More