Hello revolution. I knew you’d call.
1/17/13 / Karla Raines

The Chronicle of Philanthropy recently shared 5 trends that will change the way nonprofits work in 2013. Their list nicely illustrates Corona’s own list of macro disrupters and sector transformers. As the Chronicle reports, more and more people are engaging with their nonprofits through mobile devices and crowd-sourced funding opportunities, as well as aligning their donation and investment strategies via impact investing. A more diverse America expects, and needs, to be meaningfully included. These trends impact the way nonprofits engage, inform and influence their supporters and constituents.
The gates have been thrown wide open. What to do?
1. Recognize that your nonprofit business model needs to perform optimally going forward in order to adapt to these trends. Can you afford not to optimize? Corona’s Synergistic Business Model framework is the perfect tool to focus your thinking.
2. Harness the collective power within your data. You need real-time actionable insights. A data scientist knows how to find the insights and the stories within your data. Believe me, the folks who know how to do this should be your organization’s BFF – and be on speed dial.
Need a data wizard – someone who can speak numbers to real people? A bold explorer with the courage to help you discover what you really need to know? Check out our bios to learn more about how Corona can help. We’d be happy to chat.