Arts and Culture

Helping Museums Conduct Better Surveys
We joined Museums As Progress’ Research Office Hours to discuss ways arts and cultural organizations could improve the insights they collect through surveys.
By Jim PripusichRead More

The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Effects on Arts and Culture Activity
Similar to many sectors of the economy, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on the arts and culture sector both in the Denver metro area and nationwide. In many ways, arts and cultural organizations were some of the most heavily impacted by the pandemic. Pre-pandemic growth trends in the Denver metro area show that arts and culture peaked right before the pandemic in 2019. Comparably, arts and cultural industries were expanding and even thriving at the national level in 2019.
By Maria CuevasRead More

Happy 20th Anniversary, Karla Raines!
20 years after she joined Corona, Karla continues to be a leader and influencer in the firm and in the community.
By Corona InsightsRead More

Colorado Media Project
If you’d like to learn more about how Coloradans access arts and culture, and how the news media interacts with the arts, we’ve got some good news for you. Read more here.
By Kevin RainesRead More

Arts & culture: What do Coloradans want to know? [Event]
On November 8th, come to the Colorado History Center and hear Corona Insights and our friends at the Colorado Media Project talk about the intersection of arts and information.
By Corona InsightsRead More

Arts and Culture Blog Series Recap
With the end of 2018 just around the corner, we also end our 2018 blog series on arts and culture. Over the past few months, we covered a couple of different topics within arts and culture.
By Kate DarwentRead More

The arts and…cannabis?
Since its legalization, cannabis has disrupted the Colorado economy. In this blog, we will discuss how partnerships with cannabis companies can enable Denver to have a more robust and inclusive art space.
By Molly HaganRead More

How Allentown is using art to shape its downtown
In 2015, SeanKing and his colleagues reached out to Corona to learn more about creating a cultural plan for their city of Allentown. We spent more than a year working together to produce the Allentown Arts &Culture 20:21 Plan.It has been so interesting to see how cities of all sizes are using arts to revitalize […]
By Kate DarwentRead More

Cultural Competency Requires more than Translations
We at Corona have the privilege of working with a wide variety of arts and culture organizations in Colorado and beyond. One of the biggest challenges we hear a lot about these days is providing programs and services that will appeal to a group of culturally diverse audiences. In the Denver metro, where we do […]
By Matt HerndonRead More

Taking Culture Seriously in Social Science
As a species, we exist in culture like fish in water. When we want to explain something that humans say or do, we need to consider culture. While omnipresent, culture is not static. Its influence ebbs and flows depending on context. Every person experiences a myriad of cultures depending on time and place as long […]
By Jim PripusichRead More