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Photo of employee David Kennedy


Obama’s Super Marketing Machine

I should first start off with a general disclaimer.  We’re a neutral market research firm with no affiliation with any political party.  Oh, and another disclaimer, we do market research for a living, so we are biased in that respect.  With all that out of the way… I read an article today on Obama’s Super […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Who uses this stuff anyway?

Do you ever wonder who uses market research? You may think, “marketers, of course,” but there can be many more audiences to market research than just marketers or even management. The findings could impact everyone in the organization from the CEO to the front line employees. I came across this somewhat old article today about […]

By David KennedyRead More

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Don’t Stop….Graphing?

I’ll admit it — I’m a graph nerd. I tend to obsess over the minutia of tables, charts, and graphs, in search of the best ways to present different types of data. I’ve fully accepted the idea — popularized by Edward Tufte and others– that many of the advances in graphing technology lead to pretty, […]

By Geoff UrlandRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Corona Makes Fastest Growing Private Companies List … Again!

  For the sixth time in seven years, Corona has made the “25 Fastest Growing Private Companies” list, compiled for the Denver area by the Denver Business Journal.  This year, we are ranked 5th (in terms of percentage growth in gross revenues) in our class, with a growth of 135% between 2005 and 2007. Thanks […]

By David KennedyRead More

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Forget Gen Y, What About the “Google Generation”?

Since our work on Digital Natives (pdf) for the Idaho Commission for Libraries on digital natives (mentioned in this post), we’ve been noticing others’ work on defining the behavior of GenY and the subsequent generation (whom I refuse to call Gen Z) who have all grown up with ubiquitous computers, cell phones, and the Internet. […]

By Geoff UrlandRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Now that’s market research!

A little fun for Friday… Check out “the Tinkerer,” New Belgium Brewing Company’s blog for their “market research” for their new canned Fat Tire. From the website: Yes folks, we believe in market research, and if that means taking our cans rafting to prove their versatility and packabilty, then so be it. An offer to […]

By David KennedyRead More