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Coffee & Core Competencies
We do like our caffeine here at Corona, so this post on the 14 different tactics (so far) that Starbucks is employing to revitalize their brand caught our eye. What is interesting about the list of tactics is that almost half are motivated by the same strategic focus: returning Starbucks to it’s “core business” of […]
By Geoff UrlandRead More

Tag clouds are, at this point in the history of the web, a well known and widely used method of classifying and displying the content of a website. There are free services to help you design your own clouds (the picture below was designed in wordle). Some of the resulting clouds are quite artistic. The […]
By Geoff UrlandRead More

Corona presents “Do it yourself surveys”
Our CEO, Kevin Raines has been chosen to present on the topic of Do It Yourself Survey Results for the Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce and the Denver Metro Small Business Development Center at the Business Excellence Forum. His presentation will explore: The advantages and disadvantages of survey research; The pros and cons of different […]
By David KennedyRead More

More defective research…from the inside
You probably have noticed that we’re pretty passionate about discussing good and less-than-good practices in market research on our blog (if you haven’t, check out here, here, here, here, and here). I was reading the book Why Smart Companies Do Dumb Things the other day and one of the things the author mentioned as a […]
By David KennedyRead More

The importance of good sampling
One of the most important factors that determines if your [fill in research mode here … survey, focus group, etc.] produces accurate results is your sample. A sample, by definition, is a subset of the population you are studying that is selected for the actual research study. Perform your research with the wrong sample, or […]
By David KennedyRead More

Google Insights
Marketers salivate over the amount of data Google holds, and today Google gives us another window into their database of intentions. Similar to Google Trends, their newest service, Google Insights, allows you to get a glimpse of what terms people are searching for. Insights, however, offers additional tools to make those results more useful. Now […]
By David KennedyRead More