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Our observations on the DNC
Our offices are located just a stone’s throw from the convention center here in Denver (not that we’ll be throwing any stones due to security), and as such, we were right in the middle of it all. So we thought we would share our own [fun] observations. (We’ll leave the political commentary for everyone else.) […]
By David KennedyRead More
Modeling the DNC
The Democratic National Convention held in Denver last week was an overall success thanks to countless hours spent planning by law enforcement, the convention committee, local leaders and a math class from the University of Colorado. Yep, that’s right – a math class. NPR aired a story last week about a math class at the […]
By Joe FitzlerRead More
Concerns over online tracking
We’ve talked about privacy concerns before, and as society has become more digital, the digital footprint of individuals – and the resulting concern about where that information ends up and how it is used – will only continue to grow. The recently reported on how some firms track online behavior without explicit consent. We […]
By David KennedyRead More
Reliability of Google Trends
I recently wrote a post on Google’s new service, Google Insights, which is an evolution of Google Trends. As a result of that post, I ran across this post discussing if Google Trends is reliable. One of the examples used compared the term “market research” to “advertising” and showed that both terms declined (as a […]
By David KennedyRead More
Coffee & Core Competencies
We do like our caffeine here at Corona, so this post on the 14 different tactics (so far) that Starbucks is employing to revitalize their brand caught our eye. What is interesting about the list of tactics is that almost half are motivated by the same strategic focus: returning Starbucks to it’s “core business” of […]
By Geoff UrlandRead More
Tag clouds are, at this point in the history of the web, a well known and widely used method of classifying and displying the content of a website. There are free services to help you design your own clouds (the picture below was designed in wordle). Some of the resulting clouds are quite artistic. The […]
By Geoff UrlandRead More