Surveying Surveys

Photo of employee Beth Mulligan


What are we weighting for?

Let’s say that you just conducted a public survey of your community for a community needs assessment.  In your community, 29% of residents are between age 18 and 34, and 29% are age 55 or older.  Yet among your survey respondents, 8% are  aged 18-34, while 52% are aged 55 or older (this is a […]

By Beth MulliganRead More

Photo of employee Beth Mulligan


Tradeoffs between survey length and cooperation

In a previous post we discussed how survey length can indirectly drive up participation recruitment costs.  Another often-ignored consequence of long surveys is poor quality data that may or may not be easy to identify.  Even conscientious participants lose the desire to be cooperative as a survey drags on.  By the sixth page, or the […]

By Beth MulliganRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


The not so ultimate question?

In a recent edition of Quirk’s Marketing Research Review, there was an article (Article ID: 20081004….requires registration, but it is free) on the Net Promoter Score (NPS).  The NPS has long been touted by many as the best way to measure customer satisfaction, and a key characteristic of the system is its simplicity. In case you […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


The many uses of surveys

We’ve blogged before about the many uses of research (it’s sort of like the many uses of duct tape), but this one is new to even us.  Apparently surveys can even be used to catch criminals.  No, not by complex analyses, but by tricking them into thinking they’ll receive $500 for participating in the research. […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Cutting through the clutter

As a fun experiment, I’ve kept track of all the chances I’ve recently had to complete a survey.  In the past two weeks I’m up to six (conservatively counting).  This includes a few invites from research panels, a student’s class project, a mail survey, and a customer feedback form.  This doesn’t count “fun surveys” such […]

By David KennedyRead More

Photo of employee David Kennedy


Long surveys

I heard the following conversation a few nights ago while on the bus ride home between the bus driver and a passenger regarding a survey that RTD was administering to a few riders on each bus. “That survey was like a book.” “It even had chapters.” “I think they get paid by the question.” Of […]

By David KennedyRead More

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In-flight surveys

  A good indication that a survey is poorly designed is when it confuses two people who create surveys for a living.Such was the case on a recent flight from Atlanta to San Diego.Beth Mulligan, a fellow analyst, was sitting next to me on the plane and she asked me to take a survey because […]

By Joe FitzlerRead More

Corona Insights employee Kevin Raines


The importance of “other” both here and in Madagascar

This is the third in a series of posts on our recent trip to Africa.  To see our first two posts, click here and here. We checked into a hotel in Antananarivo, and I was delighted to see that the Malagasy people embrace market research.  Inside our room was a customer service survey asking about […]

By Kevin RainesRead More

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Corona Helps Determine The Economic Impact of Colorado’s Nonprofit Sector

Although it came out a little before we started blogging, we have been remiss in not letting you know about an important Colorado Nonprofit Association report that Corona Research played a big part in creating. Return on Investment: The Economic Impact of the Nonprofit Sector in Colorado details both the breadth and (huge) economic impact […]

By Geoff UrlandRead More

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The Godless West?

Gallup just released some interesting polling numbers on Americans’ beliefs about God.  Over three quarters (78 percent) believe in God, while 15 percent do not believe in God but do believe in a universal spirit.  Only 6 percent of Americans believe in neither. But when you slice the data by geographic region, you get some […]

By Geoff UrlandRead More