Insights for Strategic Marketing

Norms & Behavior Change, Part 3: Case Studies
Now that we’ve learned about the power of norms and walked through message crafting, let’s put our normative appeal Spidey-sense to the test.
By Jane KlingerRead More

Norms & Behavior Change, Part 2: Leveraging Norms in Your Messaging
How do we leverage normative behavior ideas to craft effective appeals and promote public good?
By Jane KlingerRead More

Predictable Unknowns
Have you ever needed to know what the future will look like? To create great strategic plans, our clients need to understand what their operating environment will look like in five, ten, or thirty years. They want to know how the population, jobs, markets, homes, and infrastructure are expected to change. We help these clients […]
By Matt BruceRead More

Of anchors, sails and strategic plans
I’ve been struck recently by my clients’ desires to simultaneously sail and drop anchor. By sailing I’m referring to the opportunity to advance, grow and change, strategically of course. To move towards the horizon. Counterbalancing that vision is an anchoring in the past – where we’ve been – as well as the here and now […]
By Karla RainesRead More

Brand Tracking for Sustained Growth
Surveys can be used to guide a plethora of business decisions. If you’re considering launching a new product or service, a survey can help you get feedback on not only the product or service itself, but your messaging and collaterals as well. If you’re looking to grow into a new market, a survey can help […]
By Matt HerndonRead More

Begin with the end in mind
Don't take a research misstep before you even begin. Set 3-5 major goals for the research up front to ensure the end result will meet the needs for which the research was undertaken in the first place.
By Matt HerndonRead More

Data-driven strategy, oh yeah.
My Corona colleagues know the ins and outs of data – the good, the bad and the better not to have at all. I’ve learned a lot from them over the years. In my world as a strategic consultant, I’ve seen first-hand what the right data at the right time can do when setting strategy. […]
By Karla RainesRead More

A dose of data for your springtime allergies
Like many people, I have “seasonal allergies.” March and April bring sneezing fits and foggy brain days for me. Often I get a sore throat and headaches. One year I went through three strep throat tests and a course of antibiotics before my doctor decided my swollen throat was caused by allergies. Knowing you’re allergic […]
By Beth MulliganRead More

Can you spot statistically significant differences in your data?
Making data-driven strategic decisions frequently involves understanding differences. For example, are there differences in public opinion, demographics, or the way people behave? Are there differences among groups of people, between two points in time, or differences from one program to another? Many of our clients ask for help measuring differences and sparking insights from the […]
By Matt BruceRead More

Where does a SWOT come from and where does it lead?
Prior blogs I’ve written have established the link between company-level strategic planning, which includes competitive strategy, and marketing organization planning. I’ve also discussed several analytical tools used for competitive strategy, including the SWOT analysis (Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats). I was recently reading through a LinkedIn group’s lively dialogue on the topic of SWOT analysis. One theme that arose is […]
By Leo LewisRead More