Inspiring the next era nonprofit association
2/21/12 / Karla Raines

Inspire – to motivate, to stimulate to action, to bring about, to fill with enlivening or exalting emotion
As a consultant, I strive to do more than advise, provide expertise or facilitate decision making. I want to inspire my customers to believe they can do and be more than they are today. Not only do I intend to provoke an emotional response – I want to inspire action. I aim to engage their collective heads and hearts.
During last Friday’s Social Venture Partners Denver Workshop on Next Era Nonprofits I was thrilled to hear a Denver Foundation Vice President share that the Colorado Nonprofit Association was inspired by my strategic consulting. I facilitated a conversation at their annual strategy retreat about foresights for the sector. My goal? To stimulate thinking about the Association’s future possibilities. After all, this is the most dynamic period of change the sector has seen in 20 to 30 years. What can and should it mean to lead an association in this next era and model the way forward?
Thank you to everyone who attended Friday’s workshop. You keep me inspired to share our insights with the community and take our work to the next level.