The cautionary tale of 5 scary strategic planning mistakes: Part V – Don’t get too tuckered out
9/8/14 / Karla Raines

The scariest proposition is creating a strategic plan that inevitably doesn’t get implemented. Strategic plans are worth their weight in gold when they become a blueprint for future progress. As my final word to the wise, I advise leaders undertaking the strategic planning process to hold onto the momentum created by the planning process to carry them through the first years of implementation (the hard part).
I’ve long said that an organization lives in a parallel universe when engaged in strategic planning as you have to remain attentive to the present while you focus on the future. The board’s approval of the completed plan is only the beginning. If there isn’t energy and enthusiasm after the planning process, then you know the next few years of implementation are going to feel l-o-n-g. It is only a matter of time before some combination of pitfalls 1-4 (link) above sneak into the day to day.
This blog concludes my five part series about the scary tales of strategic planning. I encourage every leader to consider these lessons as they devote themselves to being strategic. Avoid these pitfalls and many others by trusting an expert to be your strategic consultant. Years of experience have given me the foresight to help my clients be successful in giving their organization a truly strategic plan.
Miss the first four blogs in this series? Feel free to start at the beginning, or pick the topic that most resonates with you.
The cautionary tale of 5 scary strategic planning mistakes.
Dear Karla,
Thank you for sharing these 5 series post. It is very helpful and awakening. Today I have to get contended of what I have contributed for the environment and mankind.
Thank you so much Karla and more power to the corona team.
Thank you once again.
Sincerely yours,