Corona continues to survey the running community
2/7/12 / Todd Stoltenberg

For over two years now, Corona Insights has been providing races around the country with a standardized way of surveying their athletes. This process was developed by Corona as an innovative process for race directors to get feedback and see how their races compare to other races. Since the survey’s inception in early 2010, over 17,000 athletes total (in 35 different states and in Canada) have taken the time to provide their feedback about the race they completed.
As an incentive for people to take the survey, Corona offered the opportunity to enter into a $500 sweepstakes drawing. We recently selected the winner at random, and we would like to officially congratulate Amy A. of Valencia, California. Amy competed in the Santa Clarita Marathon on November 6th and had this to say about winning the prize:
- “The 2011 Santa Clarita Marathon was my 5th… and most difficult. It may be Southern California, but it was only 42 degrees with a steady rain! Though I run for the personal satisfaction it gives me, this $500 makes that tough race even more worth it!”
Congratulations, again, to Amy for winning the prize, and we’d like to thank all of the race directors around the country who helped make this survey a success. For more information about the Corona Insights Race Survey and Rating System, contact us.