In honor of Corona’s 20th anniversary, we are celebrating the outstanding people and organizations making a positive contribution to our community.

Each month, Corona is making a $500 donation in honor of a member of our team. For October, Beth Mulligan selected My Pit Bull is Family. We chatted with Beth to learn more about this organization and her relationship with them.

What is special about My Pit Bull is Family?

“My Pit Bull Is Family” is a Minneapolis-based nonprofit organization that serves as a resource to families with pit bulls. Solely due to their dog’s breed, these families often face challenges finding rental housing and other services such as rental insurance.

Founded in 2011, the organization was started with the goal of promoting inclusive pet polices to end breed-specific discrimination in housing and insurance. The effort has grown to include the nation’s largest database of rentals that includes all dog breeds, which is growing continually through the organization’s ongoing work. By providing this resource and also insurance resources, the organization seeks to minimize or eliminate the number of pit bulls that are surrendered by families due to an inability to find suitable housing.

Why did you choose My Pit Bull is Family?

As we discussed in her staff interview, Beth’s family includes her pit mix, Mylo, and she ran into many of the same challenges many pit-families face in her recent move. As she looked for a new home to rent, many of the properties explicitly banned certain breeds, or dogs of a certain size, that excluded her from applying. Further, when she tried to obtain renter’s and personal liability insurance at levels required by potential landlords, several insurance companies could not provide the required insurance because of Mylo. “It made the move really stressful. It was unthinkable for me to move without Mylo. He is unquestionably a member of my family,” said Beth

In searching for guidance online, she discovered the resources offered by My Pit Bull is Family. Eventually, Beth and Mylo found a new home and insurance. But Beth realizes that they were lucky in many regards – they had a flexible timeline for finding a new home, and a long, stable job history (with Corona!) to appeal to landlords. “In a perfect world, landlords wouldn’t discriminate based on breed, and moving wouldn’t be a cause for giving up your dog. In the meantime, thank goodness for organizations like My Pit Bull is Family who work to help keep families together,” said Beth.

We congratulate “My Pit Bull Is Family” on their work and their mission and are proud to present them with a $500 gift in celebration of Corona Insights’ 20th anniversary.

Throughout 2019, to help celebrate our 20th Anniversary, we are profiling our staff and select clients. Corona is also donating $500 on behalf of each staff person to a charitable organization of their choice. Click here to view all of our interviews. 

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