Starting a new job is always a venture into the unknown.  Sometimes it’s exactly what you expect.  Other times, you start a job, and two weeks later you’re dealing with a global pandemic and working from home.  Then, you have to help your new employer figure out how to do a job remotely that has historically been done almost entirely in-person.

Welcome to Camille Delaney’s first month at Corona.

It took us a few months to get this blog up due to all of the changes we had to make to adjust to the COVID-19 situation, but don’t take our tardiness as any indication of Camille’s value to Corona!  Camille came to Corona with a background in bookkeeping for a wide variety of organizations.  To our relief, she had experience with some systems that could help us move our office practices to a more remote and virtual world.  If you’re currently working with us, you might notice that you can now pay us via ACH, for example, and we no longer have to print and sign physical checks to send payments to our vendors.  These aren’t exactly new technologies, we admit, but hey…better late than never.

Aside from keeping our (virtual) office up and running, Camille is also a talented performing artist (primarily dance) and teaches yoga classes.  If you ever want to have a personalized yoga instructor for your office, give Camille a call!  (We can attest that remote yoga classes work just fine.)

So join us in welcoming Camille to the team – even if it’s a few months late…

See our staff pages to learn more about Camille and the rest of our Corona team!