Big brains. Bigger hearts
12/11/13 / Karla Raines

Like most companies Corona holds an annual retreat to reflect on the past year and prepare for new one. It also gives us the opportunity to remind ourselves about makes our work and our company so special to us. Several years ago we were engaging in one of those classic exercises where the staff breaks into small groups for more intimate conversation and sharing followed by reporting out with flipchartsand markers. One group’s comments have stuck with me all these years. When they reported out on “What makes Corona unique?” they said, “We have big brains and bigger hearts.”
It’s obvious that research and strategy firms like Corona are in the business of serving customers. What often gets little notice amidst the deadlines and deliverables is the amount of love, caring and giving that goes into every engagement. Each day we are blessed to give of ourselves – our heads and hearts – in service to our customers and the communities they serve.
In gratitude for a year filled with a multitude of blessings – for the opportunity to win work, offer wise counsel and original insights to the thrill of leaning in to lead, grow and offer the best of ourselves in service to you – we say thank you. After all, serving involves the act of receiving too.
Big brains. Bigger hearts. I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Happy holidays to our many friends, fans, customers, vendors and partners.