The City of Fort Collins Transit Services (Transfort)
Our Work:
Intercept survey of fixed-route bus passengers and phone survey of paratransit passengers

The City of Fort Collins bus service, Transfort, has a mission to provide exceptional, customer-focused service that meets their community’s present and future transit needs. To best complete their mission, Transfort hired Corona Insights for multiple years to conduct an intercept survey of current bus riders and provide feedback on how Transfort can best meet their customers’ needs. The survey was conducted across Transfort bus routes and was offered in English and in Spanish. Results were provided for the system overall, by individual route, and by key segments based on behavior and demographics. Additionally, Corona Insights administered a survey to Paratransit riders to understand their needs, experiences, and satisfaction with this service. The final report summarized the findings and presented key insights in an easy-to-read report and was presented to transportation planners and managers.