Donor Alliance
Our Work:
Statewide survey, benchmark and tracking research, public opinion research, message testing, focus groups, in-depth interviews, literature review, A/B testing

Donor Alliance has long partnered with Corona Insights for research and evaluation regarding public perceptions of organ and tissue donation, as well as strategies to increase individual donor registration. Earlier studies we conducted established benchmarks for public sentiment toward donation as well as barriers and myths surrounding donation. More recently, we have conducted follow-up studies to track these key metrics. The results of these surveys provided a useful snapshot of how public awareness, opinions, and actions have changed over the years, and have informed the continual evolution of Donor Alliance’s communication strategy. Our team has also helped guide the evolution of their specific public messaging: We provided a comprehensive literature review and conducted primary research via focus groups and interviews to identify impactful campaign messages, and then used a survey to test various messaging strategies among target audiences.
Since 2007, Donor Alliance has collaborated with Corona Insights to better understand the public’s perception of organ and tissue donation in Colorado and Wyoming. Through the statewide surveys conducted by Corona Insights, we have been able to gain invaluable insights into the attitudes, barriers, and communication challenges around organ donor registration. The research has helped us refine our messaging and identify key demographics, making our efforts to educate and inspire the community more effective. Thanks to this partnership, Colorado has consistently led the nation in organ, eye, and tissue donation support, with an impressive Donor Designation Rate (DDR) of 66.21% in 2023. Both Colorado and Wyoming have remained in the top 10 nationally for DDR since 2016, and much of this success can be attributed to the thorough, data-driven research provided by Corona Insights. Their expertise has been instrumental in furthering our mission to save and heal lives through donation and transplantation.
Jennifer Prinz, MPH
President and Chief Executive Officer
Donor Alliance, Inc.