Children’s Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus
Our Work:
Master plan, board facilitation, strategic planning, focus groups, member survey, demographic analysis, in-depth interviews, ethnographic observation

The Children’s Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus engaged Corona Insights in a four-phase, 18-month planning and visioning process to understand the current and future environment relevant to the Museum over the next 10-20 years. Over the course of this process, we conducted research including in-depth demographic analyses, future forecasts of the Denver metro area population and projected member base through 2040, ethnographic observation visits conducted at the Museum and other local cultural organizations, an email survey in which over 1,750 Museum members participated, interviews of 70 community stakeholders, and three targeted focus groups with under-represented segments of the community (also known as voice-of-the-customer research).This collaborative process culminated in the Museum’s 2030 Master Plan.
Prior to our expansion, Corona helped us recognize that we had work to do to be more inclusive and welcoming, and to think entrepreneurially. We needed to be bold, to step up as a community leader and advocate for early childhood concerns, and to look for opportunities to invest in ourselves instead of looking to others to invest in us. So many of those fundamentals we didn’t have in place yet. The research told us things that were difficult to hear and informed the introspection that we needed.
Mike Yankovich
President and CEO
Children’s Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus