At Corona we pride ourselves in a culture of deep trust and respect, and we are committed to leveraging each other’s strengths. We think work should matter and work should be fun. We enjoy learning, we enjoy working together, and we enjoy making our team part of your team.

Photo of employee David Kennedy

David Kennedy Principal + CEO + Owner

David is our in-house James Bond.  He’s flown jets, scaled frozen waterfalls, and likes to mix a good cocktail.  So, it’s no surprise that David wears multiple hats in his professional role as well.  In addition to providing expertise in market research and marketing insights to our clients, he also serves as Corona’s CEO.  His interest in marketing and market research dates back to his undergraduate days, pursuing a BS in Business Administration with an emphasis in marketing, and continued through several graduate training programs.  He likes to stay on top of trends in the field, and our customers benefit from his breadth of skills and interests.

A mastermind of organization and planning, customers come to David for his ability to simplify messy questions and then systematically answer them. His clear thinking and attention to detail will put your mind at ease. David has worked in many areas of research, from qualitative to quantitative, from traditional methods to the latest in online research tools. His passion for market research lies not only in identifying answers to his customers’ questions, but conveying answers that can lead to action.

Time away from the office brings travel and outdoor adventure for David. From ice climbing and skiing in the winter to climbing and hiking in the summer, there’s no chance that someone will mistake him for a couch potato. David is also an avid photographer – a passion that grew out of his time outdoors.


David earned his BS in Business Administration (marketing emphasis) from the University of Missouri. David holds a certificate in market research from the University of Georgia and Professional Researcher Certification (PRC) from the Insights Association.

Community Involvement

  • Board of Directors, Colorado Fourteeners Initiative (CFI) (2019 to present)
  • Guest presenter, Jefferson County Schools (2018 and 2019)
  • Guest lecturer, University of Denver (2017 and earlier)
  • Presenter, Insights Association, Boosting Online Response Rates (2016)
  • Volunteer, Colorado Fourteeners Initiative, Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado, & American Hiking Society – Trail work and photographer (2006 to present)
  • Fundraiser, Big City Mountaineers – Summit for Someone (2013)
  • Board, AD2 Denver – Treasurer (2010-2011)
  • Board, Colorado American Marketing Association (AMA), VP of Research (2010-2011), VP of Data and Reporting (2015-2016)
  • Board, AD2 Denver – Chair Public Service Committee (2009-2010)